What We Do
Let me help you increase your capacity to reach your goals whether you are looking for one-to-one sessions or group training sessions for your team. I’d love to help you improve or maximize your personal or team goals through coaching, consulting, and tailored training packages in the following areas:
For Young People
Facilitating groups or circles to promote healing and resiliency which provide a safe space, mutual respect, shared experience, and the techniques shown to be effective in addressing youth stress and trauma. These groups may be offered in community spaces and facilities, schools, and other “hubs” where young people are encountered.
Free initial consultation
For the Courtroom
Improving existing procedures and milieu with consideration of the needs for trauma-impacted youth; providing expertise for court officers and others in minimizing re-traumatization and promoting post-traumatic growth in young people and families
Free initial consultation
For Classrooms and Schools
Recognizing the signs of trauma and differentiating between behavior culminating from trauma versus behavior often labeled “disobedience;” develop simple and practical ways to design trauma-informed classrooms and/or a school-wide trauma-informed culture; skills groups for teachers and students to build resiliency and to enhance existing social and emotional learning programs
Free initial consultation
For First Responders
Understanding the signs and symptoms of youthful victimization; learning ways to mitigate and respond to trauma-impacted youth while performing your required duties.
Free initial consultation
For Team and Organizational Leadership
Developing policies and practices that are client-centered and trauma-informed; developing policies and providing training to offset the real challenge of secondary stress and vicarious trauma in the workplace.
Free initial consultation
Other training topics include:
Building a Pathway to Resilience in the Workplace Using Mind-Body Medicine
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) (part 1)
Beyond the ACES Score: ACES, Positive Childhood Experiences (PACES) and the Hope of Resiliency in Trauma-impacted Youth
Understanding and Responding to Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking and Students: What Schools need to Know
Your Gift is Your Presence: Ensuring ethical practice through self-awareness and co-regulation